Christina Pappas

Apr 27, 20202 min

4 Marketing Activities Compliant with Social Distancing

Trade shows have been cancelled, business travel is on hold and marketing budgets keep getting slashed..this is the new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. But this doesn't mean we stop. It doesn't mean we pause. It means we need to think differently about or approach.

Here are 4 socially distanced marketing activities for B2B marketers you can try over the next couple of months (and perhaps longer).

1) Facebook Live or Google Hangouts

Use Facebook Live or Google Hangouts and create an online gathering. This is not a virtual conference or sales meeting. Pick someone at your company with a personality as your host, decide on weekly topics or maybe it's just coffee with peers, and open it up to everyone - NO registration required!

2) Virtual Events

Virtual events are popping up everywhere! Trade shows that were scheduled are now being converted into an online format. Not exactly an original, groundbreaking idea but still a channel worth exploring.

3) Advocacy

What can you product/service do for the community during these times? Is there something you can offer to help? Consider groups or people who are doing amazing things in your community and find a way to get their message heard - email to your subscribers? Video on YouTube?

4) Gift Cards

Did you know you can send a gift card for Instacart? I love the idea of making a connection by helping. This will definitely get some attention. Perhaps you offer it as an incentive to register for a webinar? Join your Facebook Live event? Visit your booth at a virtual show?

TIP: Whether it's the current situation we are in or something else, as marketers we always need to be able to pivot quickly. This is especially true in start-up B2B companies. Brainstorm, throw ideas on the board and keep having fun (while you measure results of course)!